Cast of Characters (Episode #12): Q & A with Sam Cain
What is your name?
Sam Cain
How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?
11 years, summer of 2010
How would you describe your role at Kingswood?
The Waterfront guy / Birthday Czar
What is your favorite camp memory?
It’s called an oral tradition for a reason. I have far too many to choose from
What makes Kingswood special to you?
Kingswood is a place where magical things happen. Things that just don’t or can’t happen in our every day lives become possible. Things like crazy birthday bits of who wants to be a millionaire, canoe expeditions to enjoy wild blueberries, and reaching peaks of over 4000 feet. The craziest thing is each of these things regularly happen, by a single person, in a single day. There is no where else in the world I know of where that is possible. On top of all the fun, there is also something amazing about how much I learn while at Kingswood. Multitudes more than any year of school. Every year I have been there, I have learned more about myself. I have grown as a person every year, aiming to become a “Kingswood Man.”
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is of course the lake, Mama T. No better place to cool down and find some serenity in the crazy fun world of camp. Last summer I spent a free period with my feet in the water watching our resident bald eagle hunting the shoreline. It doesn’t get better than that.
What is your favorite A-block offering?
The rope swing across the lake is great fun for everyone. I will often ask them a question while they swing and they have to answer it before they hit the water!
If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?
I would jump in some boats with my friends and hang out in the middle of the lake
What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?
Pemigiwasset wilderness. The epitome of journey over destination, I don’t remember any peak on this trip. But the mountain steams, ponds, and even seeing a moose made this my favorite
What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special,
we only did it once, event)?
It’s got to be the Egg Drop. 20+ years of college education is pitted against children’s hour long egg protection inventions. Each year the egg drop evolves, always creating the most creative and destructive spectacle we can.