Cast of Characters (Episode #9): Q & A with Jacob Dalton
What is your name?
Jacob Dalton
How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?
17 years, first year was 2005
How would you describe your role at Kingswood?
Cabin counselor, lifeguard, boat driver, Covid test courier, and more importantly loyal goon to our fearless leader Mr. Wiff.
What is your favorite camp memory?
Jack Griffith and I once debuted a mime act with terrible face paint and all at a “no-talent show”. I’m sure it was awful but equally sure we thought we nailed it at the time.
What makes Kingswood special to you?
It’s the most beautiful place on Earth filled with the best people.
What is your favorite place on campus?
The waterfront, c’mon now!
What is your favorite A-block offering?
White Sands
If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?
In the gym getting yoked! (Ha!)
What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?
4 words: Welch. Dickey. Loop. Trail.
What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special,
we only did it once, event)?
Fourth of July