B-Block Primer

B-Block Primer

Both old and new campers can benefit from a review of “A Kingswood Day” — one of the named circles on the Home Page of the Kingswood web site  Make it a point to study up a bit so you can “hit the ground running” when camp opens.

The following text is taken directly from the web site.  The photos below provide plenty of supporting evidence:

“One of the most popular times of the day, “B Block” is a supervised free time when campers can play games on Pines Field, enjoy a round of Frisbee Golf, or head to the waterfront. General swim is open and campers who have been certified in their morning clinics can take out boats. Two ski boats take water-skiers, wake boarders, and tubers. To be fair, we conduct a daily lottery for the order of skiers and tubers. Boys who get high numbers simply do something else until their time to go arrives. A lifeguard in the skiff patrols to keep an eye on campers out on the water in canoes, kayaks, windsurfs, and sailboats. “B Block” has one of the best “feels” of the entire day!”

The really good stuff happens on the waterfront...

Some really good B-Block stuff happens on the waterfront…

where boys swim ...

where boys swim …

tube or ski...

tube or ski…





or simply hang out!

or simply hang out!

While every activity is supervised...

While every activity is supervised…

boys are pretty much on their own...

boys are pretty much on their own…

kapla blocks sleepaway boys summer camp new hampshire

to be as creative …

as they care to be.

as they care to be.

"Open" are such places as ...

“Open” are such places as …

the Game Room,

the Game Room,

The Weight Room...

The Weight Room,

The Cayman Golf Course,

The Cayman Golf Course,

and maybe even the Music Room (inside or outside) is available for a private lesson.

and maybe even the Music Room (inside or outside) is available a private lesson or simple jamming.

Most boys find some B-Block time for checking out Pines Field...

Most boys find some B-Block time to check out  Pines Field…

where many a good game can be found...

where many a good game can be found…

as well as invented "on the fly."

as well as invented “on the fly.”

Frisbees fly throughout the grounds...

For some, frisbee games reign supreme…

and others just take it easy with card games.

while others just take it easy with card games.

There is something for everybody during this very popular time of day.

Bottom line:  There is something for everybody during this very popular time of day.


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