New Ideas For The Summer Of 2015
Most of us love Kingswood the way it is now and pretty much always has been. No one, however, is content with the exact same thing year after year. New ideas are always welcomed and this blog reveals a bit of our thinking towards Summer 2105. Following are a few “sketches” of ideas and we hope you will check the Monday Blues Busters for specific details.
Varsity Clinics: The special soccer clinic first session last summer was quite popular. It was for those “high-achievers” who wanted more rigor in the drills. We are going to offer similar “stepped up” clinics at Kingswood in soccer, tennis, basketball and lacrosse. Perhaps, chess, too. Look for the likes of Dalton, Klaus, Shupe and Sabiston to be advertising their ideas.
Sailing: What comes next after mastering those Sunfish? Keep you eyes open for a couple new boats (one notch more challenging) in the Kingswood Marina. Rob is researching several models. Did you see those folks paddleboarding down Mother T last year? We want some of those, too.
Theater: We are building a “Theater in the Pines,” literally. Raven wants to see a stage that surrounds the small grove of trees in front of the Shupe Cabin at the far end of Pines Field. Actors can pop out from behind the wide trunks of the trees. Limitless opportunities abound!
Gaga: Dan has an idea to build a portable Gaga court. Just load up the sections on the back of the truck and set up wherever Mike wants Gaga, or whatever new games we invent for a walled arena.
Tramp Field Revived: Maybe Gaga goes to Tramp Field, now that we seem to have the water properly diverted from collecting so near the lake. Tramp Field will always be the perfect venue for Crosbee. And, we are going to ask the local fellow who did the Marsh Fountain, to make us a new totem pole for the high-and-dry council fire area.
Night-time hoops league: Guides and CIT’s can count on an intramural program running after dark a couple nights a week. You guys can run it yourself as part of your counselor training. And, what about those strapped rims on Pines Field. Let’s lower those rims and invent a “stuff-ball” game with some clever rules for dunking.
The Bloody Nine Frisbee golf course: Seems that 27 holes might not be enough. There will be a lot of additional grassy areas thanks to the new septic system behind the Guides Lodge and Music Room. In some places, there are narrow corridors where truly challenging holes can be located. Red poles! Don’t forget there will be room for a longer compound archery range, too.
High Council Fire: We have found a great spot for special dark night gatherings of “high” significance. What we do remains a mystery, but we have some old Indian lore and one Indian game I am confident you will love.
Activities with the girls: Let’s have the ladies over for a rousing game of Packer-ball! How about a hike to A-27 or a joint canoe exploration of Lake Tarleton?
Anyway you slice it, we are always looking for ways to ensure that our program is the most dynamic of any summer camp in NH. Feel free to drop us a line with ideas of your own to add to the list of activities at camp this summer, and remember: “In the years that follow closely, Kingswood Camp will grow!”.