Camp Activities

Morning Clinics

Clinics run from 9:30 to 12:30 Monday through Friday.

Click Waterfront, Team Sport, and Individual Activity below to learn and see more!

Waterfront Team Sport Individual Activity
Canoeing Baseball Archery
Kayaking Basketball Arts and Crafts
Kneeboarding Cricket Campcraft
Paddleboarding Football (touch) Ceramics
Rowing/Crew Lacrosse Drums
Sailing Rugby Fishing and Fly Fishing
Snorkeling Soccer Frisbee games
Swim Instruction Tennis Golf
Wakeboarding Ultimate Frisbee Guitar
Water Polo Volleyball Improv/Theater Games
Waterskiing Nature Photography
Windsurfing Physical Fitness
Song Writing

Click on any picture to view the gallery

The morning clinics provide the most structured instructional time of the day at Kingswood. Monday through Friday, boys are divided by age for three hour-long clinics: waterfront, team sport, and individual activity. Campers make their choices Saturday or Sunday, and the administration works (sometimes late into the night) to place the campers and counselors into clinic groups. At Kingswood, every boy will have an opportunity to take the clinics he selects as his number one option – if not the first week, then definitely the second week. We maintain a record of anyone who does not receive his first choice because a particularly popular option filled up. At Kingswood, American Camp Association camper to counselor ratios are not only met, they are often bettered. It is not uncommon to find a canoeing clinic, for example, with six junior campers, two counselors, and a CIT. All Kingswood clinicians work with “lesson plans,” and by the shouts of encouragement heard all morning long, we are confident that plenty of good instruction is taking place!

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