Kingswood Camperships

scholarship camper kingswood

As a private, for-profit entity, we have provided director’s scholarships to families who qualify for financial aid for the past 30 years. Each year, we award upwards of $70,000 in director’s scholarships. Historically, these funds have come directly out of our operating budget.

We would like to continue to provide scholarships to well-deserving families with boys who are highly recommended to us. A simple definition of the word “deserving” to us entails a child who would not only personally profit from a camp experience, but who would also cleafishing scholarship campersrly “enhance” the quality of our existing camp community by his presence as a camper. 

Our parent accrediting agency, the American Camp Association, has developed a vehicle that allows individuals to make tax-deductible financial contributions to specific camps of their choosing, for use as scholarship funds. Accordingly, we have created a Kingswood Scholarship fund through the ACA auspices.

To make a contribution, visit the ACA website. Alternately, you can send ACA a check payable to the ACA with “Campership – Kingswood” written in the memo. (5000 State Road 67 North, Martinsville, IN 46151)

We appreciate your generosity as we work to make the Kingswood experience a viable option for as many stellar candidates as possible. In the years that follow closely, Kingswood Camp will grow!