Although there are endless activities happening at camp every minute of every day, there are also a variety of trips that leave camp throughout the summer. Whether it is a trip to a swimming hole, a hike in the White Mountains, or a special trip like the fire works on the fourth of July, there is always a buzz among the campers.
Click on any of the categories and trips below to learn and see more about each!
Swimming Holes: Sawyer River, Big Eddy, Busted Rock
Fishing Trips: Connecticut River, Indian Pond
Short Nature Hikes: Freddy’s Pond, Lakeside Trail
Around Lake Tarleton: White Sands, Sunset Point, Pirate’s Cove, Blueberry Island, Rope Swing
While not one single trip, the Varsity Club is directly related to hiking trips. This “club” is designed to inspire and motivate hikers to achieve greater heights. There are three levels to the Varsity Club: Piermont, Franconia, and Presidential. This stratification indicates the increased difficulty that comes with each level. Piermont status requires thirteen prerequisites including local hikes that are accessible to campers of all hiking experience.
Boards on display in the Main Lodge show campers’ progress through the hikes. Three wooden plaques in the Dining Hall show campers’ names at each level. The Varsity Club is not exclusive. It exemplifies teamwork, encouragement, and camaraderie. Members can often be heard compelling their friends to do a new, more challenging hike.
Nearby Hikes: Northwest Passage, Mt. Piermont, Webster Cliff, Mt. Moosilauke, Indian Burial Ground
White Mountains: Franconia Range, The Bonds, Presidential Range
Once a Summer Trips: Fourth of July Parade, North Haverhill Fair
“Prize” Trips: Moose Scoops Ice Cream, Hanover Day Trip
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