Appalachian Update
This note from Nick Roman’s mom. Nick has been gathered by his mom and is taking a few days break at home here in Bethesda. At bottom is a photo of Nick at Harper’s Ferry and he was flat on his back, evidently exhausted. And, why not? I cannot drive my car 43 miles without my sciatic nerve acting up, so Nick can be forgiven for asking mom to gather him for a few days. Being the tease that Mr Wiff is, I could not resist asking him if he were pulling a Rosie Ruiz. Remember her? She’s the one who claimed to have won the Boston Marathon, only to be discovered having taken a cab from one end of the course to the other! Anyway, here’s mom’s blog, and at bottom a glorious photo which should remind Kingswood Varsity hikers of a perch along the Bondcliff in the White Mountains of New Hampshire