Appalachian Update

Appalachian Update

This note from Nick Roman’s mom.  Nick has been gathered by his mom and is taking a few days break at home here in Bethesda. At bottom is a photo of Nick at Harper’s Ferry and he was flat on his back, evidently exhausted.  And, why not?  I cannot drive my car 43 miles without my sciatic nerve acting up, so Nick can be forgiven for asking mom to gather him for a few days.  Being the tease that Mr Wiff is, I could not resist  asking him if he were pulling a Rosie Ruiz.  Remember her?  She’s the one who claimed to have won the Boston Marathon, only to be discovered having taken a cab from one end of the course to the other!   Anyway, here’s mom’s blog, and at bottom a glorious photo which should remind Kingswood Varsity hikers of a perch along the Bondcliff  in the White Mountains of New Hampshire

I knew you all would love this photo as much as I do.  He hiked 43 miles the day before he took it so that he would be at the knob at sunrise.  He said it took about 12 tries before he was able to scramble into place before the timer went off.
He spent last night in Charlottesville with a former camp counselor but hit the trail again this afternoon.  He is wearing a pair of shoes he bought for $4.95 at Goodwill but swears they are comfortable.
He will hit Harper’s Ferry this next weekend.  I will meet him and bring him home for a few days.  I asked what food he wanted in the house and he said, “French toast… Pesto…..  Fruit… Smoothies…. Coffee ice cream…..  Cookies…. ”  I suspect he spends a lot of time thinking about food.
Can’t wait to see him.

43 mile day to set up a sunrise on MacAfee Knob…. worth it!

Getting ready to call mom…. worth it

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