Cast of Characters (Episode #17): Q & A with Andreas Masiakos
What is your name?
Andreas Masiakos
How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?
7-8 (2014)
How would you describe your role at Kingswood?
Last summer I was a junior cabin counselor. Being in that role allowed me to share everything I love about Kingswood with younger campers who were, for the most part, new to the camp experience.
What is your favorite camp memory?
Performing our alma mater during Watermelon League 2021.
What makes Kingswood special to you?
Without a doubt the people. From my years as a camper to my first year on staff, the Kingswood community has become a second family to me.
What is your favorite place on campus?
The dive tower
What is your favorite A-block offering?
USA vs. the world soccer
If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?
Sailing on Mother T or running on Cape Moonshine Rd.
What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?
Big Eddy
What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special,
we only did it once, event)?
The annual Fourth of July concert