Cast of Characters (Episode #14): Q & A with Spanky Roman

Cast of Characters (Episode #14): Q & A with Spanky Roman

What is your name?

Justin “Spanky” Roman

How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?

24 summers since 1998

How would you describe your role at Kingswood?

Administration, Music and Buildings and Grounds (Maintenance and caretaking).

What is your favorite camp memory?

Oh boy, there are too many to try to narrow down, but the first memories that come to mind are all the times spent learning drums and jamming in the Music/Weight room. Learning drums from Todd Sabiston and Jared Apuzzo. Todd Sabiston working out while teaching me drums. Also the UB concerts I got to play in and the camper band that was formed in the guides lodge my guide year.

What makes Kingswood special to you?

The magical location it is in and the amazing people I have met here that are lifelong friends.

What is your favorite place on campus?

The waterfront lodge area, just staring out across Mama T (Lake Tarleton) at that amazing view.

What is your favorite A-block offering?

Baseball games against other camps

If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?

I would usually spend it canoeing, in the music room or just hanging out with friends on pines field.

What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?

As a camper it was The North Haverhill Fair, now it is probably Moosilauke

What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special, 

we only did it once, event)?

Fight Night, Renaissance Fair

What is your favorite Kingswood meal?
Grilled Cheese/Ruben and Tomato Soup
What is a skill or activity you learned at camp?
Everything! Drums/Guitar, canoeing, archery, riflery.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one musical album, what would you bring?
Probably Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd (I can’t believe he didn’t choose his own album!)

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