Cast of Characters (Episode #10): Q & A with Nick Potash
What is your name?
Nick Potash
How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?
7. First year was 2015.
How would you describe your role at Kingswood?
I think my official title is cabin counselor. But that doesn’t really describe what I (or any other counselor) really do. We all do a little bit of anything. I personally tend to stick to more sports related stuff. But I also am a certified lifeguard.I think part of the beauty of Kingswood is that no one’s title describes how they contribute.
What is your favorite camp memory?
My first year at camp, I made a game winning 3 pointer in the final of the PGB. It was under the lights and the whole camp was there; everyone went wild. I think there’s a video of it somewhere.
What makes Kingswood special to you?
I think Kingswood allows everyone to find themselves in a safe environment. Kingswood has had a profound impact on my life. Learning to be a contributing member of a small community is something that only a place like Kingswood can really teach you. Kingswood was actually why I chose to go to a liberal arts college- I wanted to be a part of a small community where everyone is friendly.
What is your favorite place on campus?
I think my favorite spot is the porch of the dining hall. Spending time up there before breakfast was something I always wanted to do while I was a camper and is one of my favorite things about being a counselor.
What is your favorite A-block offering?
Trashball. It’s probably my favorite Kingswood original game. The creative ways guys score points is a ton of fun.
If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?
When I was a camper, I usually hung out on Pines Field. There’s always something going on, whether it’s guys just hanging out and talking or playing some leisure type game.
What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?
I remember my second year we hiked Cardigan Mountain. I was the youngest guy on the trip, and we went to a lake beach after the hike. It was a ton of fun.
What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special,
we only did it once, event)?
Has to be the annual football tournament. I always loved those games. Getting to have a team of guys of all different ages come together and play is the best.