Fall Colors at Camp

Fall Colors at Camp

Mike Wiff drove Alice and me (Mr. Wiff) up to camp last week.

Funny how the colors were somewhat muted in the valley but started to get vibrant as we gained elevation on the approach to camp.

The tennis courts and basketball court are mere teases…

as the vibrancy factor kept getting better as we walked down the camp road.

We had all the fields over-seeded and fertilized a few weeks ago and they look terrific.

Sara’s cabin and our place showed no ill effects after some weddings and a large group outing made some heavy use of the grassy area down the hill.

Check out the winter resting place for the tower section of the new dock.  Most of the pieces are across the road up by the tennis courts.

Permission to enjoy the lake was granted by the camp totem pole.


And, the colors there did not disappoint.

This is the view from our cottage porch.  At a certain time of day, the reflection of an old stump looks like crocodile jaws.  I don’t know how much longer the stump will be there and I will really miss it once it goes!

Look carefully and you can make out old man Moosilauke through the fog.

The late afternoon sun produced some gorgeous sepia colors.

Sorry, but I simply cannot bring myself to tell you what this is.  Anyone have a guess?

Enjoy your autumn wherever you may be, but be certain to “think camp.”



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